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Services for Seniors
The CRC Senior Active Living Centre
Programming, information and support
to adults aged 55 and up
Supported by KHR Township and
in collaboration with various community groups.
Imagine Feeling Great!
Adult Fitness Class
Weekly Mon & Thurs 10-11 at Lions Hall
Community Craft Circle
Weekly Mon 11am to 1pm at Killaloe
Friendship Club - all levels welcome!
Killaloe Public Library Collab
Technology Tutorials (1:1 and group) &
Monday Matinees - to be announced.
Painting with Pat
3rd Wed of the month 10am-1pm
at 12 North CC
enjoy group acrylic painting!
Stride 'n 'Stroll Pole Walking
Weekly Mon 12pm
meet at Station Park
Refresh Your Pantry KIT
Sauerkraut KIT
It's About Time Ageism Project
with OV-CAOS
Zumba Gold, Yoga and more!
For More Info/Keep in Touch
Facebook: @crcsenioractivelivingcentre
Phone: 613-757-3108 x222#
Monthly Club Calendar at the link below.
A drop-in centre and meeting place for seniors in Barry’s Bay and surrounding area.
Open for tea and coffee on Wednesdays ~ 11 am to 2 pm
For more information, call 613-756-0554
Assisting Seniors (60 & Over)
& The Physically Challenged
Seniors' Centre Without Walls
Assisted Living
Meals On Wheels
Frozen Meals
Home Maintenance Referral
Telephone Reassurance
Wheel Chair Accessible Community Van
Free help for low-income seniors
Call Access Work Service 613 756 0723
Offers Respite Stays for Seniors
If you are recuperating after a hospital stay or are a caregiver who would like a weekend away, we can help.
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