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PrevEvents ~ What's Happening & What's Coming Up
Music Clubs, shows, dances, concerts - and Our Musicians
Every Thursday Evening
At the Lion's Hall
David Francey
$45 - Fri Nov 10
at Grace Lutheran Church
Claire Hafner
Opera in the Afternoon
$35 - Sun Dec 3
Slo' Tom & The Handsome Devils
Spencer Scharf
Door prizes, silent auction
Light luncheon
Tickets at the library or at the door.
All proceeds to MV Food Bank
Christmas Turkey Drive
Non-perishable food donations accepted.
Monthly Prime Rib Night
With Entertainment by Andy Mayenburg
Reservation strongly recommended
Music by Nelson Towns Band
Pot Luck Luncheon
You are asked to bring sandwiches or sweets, pickles, etc.
MonkeyJunk 15th Anniversary Tour
Winners of 23 Maple Blues Awards
Tickets at door (cash only) or at Grandma's Pantry
First Friday of every Month
Blues Jam every Tuesday
Old-time Square Dance Lessons
With caller Jack Rosien
2nd and 4th Fridays
Blues Jam every Tuesday
8:00 pm to Midnight
Every Friday evening at the Ash Grove
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