Local Info ~ Find whatever you need in Algonquin East

Human Services  

Local Information Sources

A shout-out to everyone who is working to keep people informed during this uncomfortable time.

Renfrew County and District Health Unit has links to the self-assessment tool, information about self-isolating, information for businesses and more.

Madawaska Valley Current has extensive information about what is happening and how to access services you may need.

The Wilno Community Billboard and Whats up in the Madawaska Valley Area are posting local updates.

The Eganville Leader and Moose FM have lots of local info.

Google, of course. Many businesses and organizations are updating their websites to let you know what their current situation.

Facebook, also of course. Many businesses and organizations post their latest information there.

Bernadette McCann House

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing abuse, call the

24-hour Crisis Support Line

or text 613-639-1233

Killaloe Area Food Bank
Tue Oct 17 2023
12 North St, Killaloe
Every 2nd Tues
3 - 5 pm

Open every second Tuesday

At the back of 12 North, beside Buried Treasure

Please Support your Food Bank

Non-perishable food items can be dropped of at the Killaloe Hardware Store

Money donations can be mailed to
Killaloe Area Food Bank
C/O P.O. Box 162
Killaloe Ontario K0J2A0.

Madawaska Valley Food Bank
2nd Tue, 4th Tue
** Moved **
8 Martin Street, Barry's Bay
9:30 - 11:30 am

Provides temporary food relief to individuals and families in Barry’s Bay, Combermere, Wilno, Palmer Rapids, Madawaska and Whitney areas. The area defined by the 756, 758 & 637 telephone exchanges

Open 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month
1st and 3rd Tuesday in November & December
Please arrive no earlier than 8:30 am.

Cars will be directed to line up along the opposite side of Martin Street, facing Main Street.
Pre-packed boxes of food will be placed into your vehicle or cart upon arriving at the front of the Food Bank.

E-mail transfers: mvfoodbank@gmail.com (Preferred)
Mail: Box 161, Barry’s Bay, Ont. K0J 1B0

Eganville Food Bank
3rd Wed, 4th Wed
9 am - 12 noon

Open 3rd & 4th Wed of every month

9 am - 12 noon

Eganville Clothing Bank

Eganville's Chic Boutique

Open Monday to Friday ~ 11 am to 3 pm
First Saturday of the month ~ 11 am to 3 pm

Fabulous fashions, footwear, dishes, drapes and bedding.
Many books, games, puzzles, movies and music.

Shop locally, save big and support your local community!

Live • Life • Better

Life Coach, Restorative Justice
and much more

Helen Benn is a Certified Professional Life Coach, Mediator, Restorative Justice Practitioner, Bio-Energy Therapy/Medicine Practitioner, Family Group Conference Coordinator and Mental Health First Aider, with a background of over 35 years in the Child Development/Special Education field.

Access Work Service
Ready • Willing • Able
Temporary Work Service
Provides short-term help to businesses and homeowners, and temporary jobs to people with barriers to employment.
Free Skills Training

Free Training For Eligible Adults

Who Can Take Our Training?
Ontario residents 19 years of age or older. Intake assessment will determine eligibility

How Can We Help?
Learn computer, writing, math or other essential skills.

Attend in person in Eganville or Barry's Bay or online with a live instructor.

And it's all FREE!

St. Joseph’s House - Closed Temporarily
Wed Jan 1 to Mon Sep 21 2020
Dafoe Rd, Combermere
2 pm

Clothing room

Household item service

Closed after Sat Sept 21 ~ re-opens Thu Nov 7

Donation Centre closed September and October,
re-opens Thu Nov 7.

BB Senior Home Support

Assisting Seniors (60 & Over)
& The Physically Challenged

Seniors' Centre Without Walls
Assisted Living
Meals On Wheels
Frozen Meals
Home Maintenance Referral
Telephone Reassurance
Wheel Chair Accessible Community Van

Madawaska Valley Association for Community Living
A non-profit organization providing support to adults with developmental disabilities.
- living spaces
- an integrated summer day camp
- Activities +, a fully integrated community centre
-  Light Lunch Express teaches skills to transitional youth with intellectual disabilities
- connections to other supports and services

Madawaska Valley Association for Community Living
Corner of Hwy 60 & Stafford St, Barry's Bay

Living Without Violence Inc
Partner Assault Responce Program
Formerly the Men's Project
Aims to help men & women live a non-violent home life.

Office hours
Wed ~ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Mon-Fri by appt.
Box 790, Eganville
Community Resource Centre

Office now open as of July 5

Many community, health and social services programs to benefit individuals of all ages in Renfrew County and the District of Nippissing.

Toy Bus Prenatal Programs
Child Development Programs
Youth Programs
Seniors' Services

Sexual Assault Centre

We are here to hear

Emotional support, information and advocacy to women and girls who have been affected by sexual violence whether recently or in the past.

Due to COVID-19 all in person groups and sessions are suspended. Peer counselling is available by phone

Support & Crisis Line is always available 24/7

All services are free and confidential

Shop Local First

Are You Listed?
Listings in our business directory are FREE.

More Info.

Afelskies Shoes

Footwear for all seasons. Men's and boy's wear. Ladies' wear. Great bargains at our summer tent sale. Work and casual

K. M. Haycock, Painter

Oil Paintings from Nature at the Woodland Studio. Welcome during the Madawaska Valley Studio Tour September 29 and

Kent Waddington PHOTOGRAPHY

Freelance writer & photographer. Original valley photography and creative private

Pam Ogelsby, Sales Representative - Queenswood National Real Estate Ltd.

Real estate sales in Barry's Bay, Wilno, Killaloe & area. We are here to assist you with buying or selling.

Madawaska River Rentals

613-758-2165 summer
Paddle yourself away from it all. Renting canoes and outdoor gear - serving the lower Madawaska River and watershed.

Rockingham Wilderness


Mike's Custom Kitchens & Baths

Custom-built kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, storage units. Built locally by local professionals and installed in

Etmanskie Heating Services

Installation, repair and maintenance of oil furnaces; chimney liners; propane tanks, furnaces and heating appliances.