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Business Directory
This business directory covers the Algonquin East area - from
 • Algonquin Park to Eganville and
 • Round Lake to Quadeville.
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Service Ontario

Driver & Vehicle licences. Health card application, renewal or replacement (including replace red & white health

Cottages at Opeongo Trail Resort

Cottages on the Madawaska River, featuring 2 or 3 bedrooms, private sandy beach with personal dock, screened porch

Madawaska Valley Current

Free online news source for Madawaska Valley and area. Balanced and stimulating local coverage of community growth,

Rockingham Tree Service

Professional service backed with years of experience. Services: tree removal, hedge trimming, brushing, tree planting,

Killaloe Craft & Community Fair

A live outdoor craft, arts, and music festival, taking place near Killaloe. First occurring in 1976, this year it

Mountainview Cottage Resort

Family resort on 1,100 foot sand beach on Golden Lake. Housekeeping cottages, trailer camp ground. Great for

Algonquin Bound

Canoe and fishing outfitter. Two great locations: Madawaska and Barron Canyon Rd.

Opeongo Seniors' Centre

A drop-in centre and meeting place for seniors in Barry's Bay and surrounding area. Exercise and activity programs,