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PrevHome ~ Welcome to Algonquin East
We acknowledge and are grateful that this land we all enjoy is the unceded territory of the Algonquin nation.
It's the best place on Earth.
Our website is full of information about what to see, what's happening, and where to find things. And it's easy to find the info you want.
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In the Events Calendar on the left of the page, the event names link to more information.
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Trivia Night Every Thursday
Teams of 4
Every Thursday Evening
At the Lion's Hall
Open to ages 50+
We're looking for Sponsors
Skating for Seniors and Parents & Tots
At we are committed to providing information for the benefit of those who visit our site, not just those who advertise on it. So we provide all the information we can uncover about what's happening and what's interesting in our area.
If you are a local resident, we hope you'll use the site to remind you of events and experiences you want to enjoy.
If you're a visitor, we want the site to help you get the most from your visit. is locally owned and operated.
Please contact us with information about your events, your business, or your organization.
Note: to contact Algonquin Provincial Park, see
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